I'm working on a release of SAM-1.4, and I compiled a list of
Here is a new list (made today 240729) of the last-modified dates and
Date Time Log File
231022 19:35 ./main/changlog.txt
240109 21:30 ./go/changlog.txt
240707 16:42 ./kernel/changlog.txt
240721 19:05 ./changlog.txt
240726 21:53 ./lib/tool/changlog.txt
I see these changes:
made by
this month to regarding
---------- -- ---------
October ./main Perhaps nothing.
January ./go sam1: I modified this script. Checking
my comments I see, and remember, that I
did this to improve the code used in
sam1, especially as regards buser.
July ./kernel dofun: I modified this function
definition. This was an important
change. It corrected a mistake. My
SAM was not always correctly following
a principle that I think it should
follow. Namely, I wanted it to always
allow new additions to the command set
(as shown at the top of the screen when
you use the "menu" command") to take
priority over older additions when
there is a conflict.
It was behaving correctly for the case
of executables that are governed by the
PATH. But it was not always behaving
correctly for qualified function
definitions. It turned out I had to
invert one of my processes. I was
processing directories from left to
right in the PATH when looking for
qualified function definitions (files
that end in .sam, have "#OK SAM" in the
first ten lines and define a function
with a name that agrees with the base
of the file name). I should have been
processing them in the other
direction--from right to left.
For executables those named at the left
of the PATH have priority, but for
functions, those defined *last* have
priority. This mistake was natural, as
it is harder to process in the reverse
(right to left direction). But I
accomplished it and made the change.
July . buser: I removed the prefixed
ZombieDisplay=:0.0 DISPLAY=
from the invocation of su, and I added
to the invocation of su.
GUIDE: I corrected a typo in the "SAM
limits" section.
July ./lib/tool Reading the changlog.txt I see that
since 231022 I made a bunch of
escape new script
dollar new script
drab new function
view_it new script
type_set new function
fetch new script
ex_dog new script
rotate new script
wolf modified script
dog modified script
sam_view modified script
ment modified script
msub modified script
function changed to script
mshow modified script (was a function)
removed because obsolete (rm)
lc rm function
map rm script replaced by view_it
picture rm script replaced by view_it
pda rm function obsolete
pdf rm function obsolete
fat_ment rm script
sub rm function
removed, but hold in reserve (mv)
samlabel mv to handy0
sammntpt mv to handy0
st_after mv to handy0
modified descriptions in menu.dat
removed unneeded descriptions in menu.dat
added missing descriptions in menu.dat
new data
ex_dog.dat new file in data
ex_dog.jpg new file in data
-Version 1.3 was released on 231022.